First Date Ideas

So, you're going on your first 60+ date, but stuck for ideas? Don't worry, we have a few suggestions for your consideration.

1. Dinner

Senior Dinner DateDinner is probably the simplest and most popular choice for all first date. No matter where you live, there will be a huge selection of places to have dinner. You may want to consider a quiet place that isn't too crowded. After all, you want to be able to hear what you're both saying. Another consideration is distance. Maybe the place you have chosen is close to where you live, but how far is it from your date's home? Try and gage what sort of place your date would like to eat in. If your date chooses the sort of place you're not keen on, don't worry about asking for a compromise. Bon appetit.

2. Country Walk

Country walk first dateWhat better place to relax with new company. A country walk will afford the peace and quiet that you may need to really get to know one another. If the countryside is a little out of your way, how about a walk in the park, or the canal path. If you have a dog, take him or her along too, to find out if your date is a dog person. Whatever you choose, the relaxed pace and fresh air in your lungs should put you in the mood to chat. A game of eye Spy wouldn't go amiss to help break the ice.

3. City Bus Tour

City Tour DateIf your date is from out of town, how about a city bus tour date? You could impress your date with your knowlege of local history, or even learn a few new things about your home town yourself.

4. Cinema

Cinema dateOi, no snogging on the back row! But seriously, the cinmea is a great first date idea. You'll be sat close to your date, secretly whispering about the movie to one another. Remember, if you're retired, most afternoon matinee movies are half price. Watching a movie together will also give you pleanty to talk about in the pub after.

5. Boating

Boating dateMany parks around the country have boating lakes. You may be a land lover, but you're sure to have a hoot with your date, going round and round in circles, getting drenched as you go :) well, that's what happens to me when I go boating. Don't forget to take your camera, just in case. Warm up after with a cup of tea in the park cafe.

6. Garden Centre

Garden centreIt may not be rock and roll, but we like it. Many retiree's love gardening, and with the size of our garden centre's these days, you can actually make a day of visiting your local garden centre. If you both love gardening, you'll find lots to talk about in the garden centre cafe.

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